மனித உருவில் இந்தியா வந்த கடவுள் அன்னை தெரசா! ! - STUDENTMALAR




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மனித உருவில் இந்தியா வந்த கடவுள் அன்னை தெரசா! !

Mother Teresa was a catholic missionary, a social worker, a giver, a caring gentle hand to the sick and the dying, the rejected and untouched millions, the  poorest of the poor of Kolkata. She served in a country where Mahatma Gandhi, the politician who favoured  peace and reconciliation was widely hated and eventually shot. He would never have won an election. She served in the name of a church that was founded in name of a Jewish preacher who was crucified at a young 33 years of age. She was born in Albania and at some point came to India to serve her faith and God through service to the most downtrodden of humanity.
How she was able to have so much love in a world that has so much hate is beyond any logic and rationale and yet she did. She loved the most unloved, she touched lepers and fed those that were rejected by families and society. This Sunday Vatican will canonize Mother Teresa as a Saint. Many in western media will write hateful messages about her. To me she is not a saint, she is an angel. I am not a Christian and I do not care much about rituals of churches. But I will celebrate this canonization in hope that we can stop hating,  accept some love and give some.

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